23.12.01 | nikita

i looked over the site once again and saw that the last entry in the thoughts section is about one year old, so i decided to write something again and promised to myself to keep this here going and write something more often. well a lot oft things happened for me in this year and i have to say that this was a good year for me. first of all i got to know the most wonderful person on earth, where i already thought that true love was dead and something like this would only exist on the tv screens and romantic books and i am unbelievably happy about this. it completely changed my life and made me look at things in another way and i would like to thank her for everything and for just beeing there. besides that we had the luck to play many awesome shows in many places, which totaly inspires me every time it happens, we met some old friends again and made new ones and the most important thing as i think is that we get along in the band really really good and everything gets more and more closer and it is a beautiful thing to see that this bond is still there and hopefully would last a long time. i dropped university once again, cause i did not see any sense to do that anymore, well at least at the moment. maybe i will come back again later, but now i feel like i want to do the things that i really really want to and i am not trying to look in the future, but just beeing happy at the moment and it is a very good feeling. i am very glad that things with the label run a lot better and this is what i really want to do now, it gives me a feeling of deep satisfaction, every nice word about any of the records or bands, every feedback, every mail makes my heart beating faster and if somebody writes that he/she likes the record, i want immideately to stand up and put it on and listen to it again and again, maybe it all sounds cheesy and ridiculous, but i really do not care, it is just a way i feel. so i am really excited about the new year, a lot of things are planned and a lot will be going on and i am optimistic as never before and generally a happy person. well, i felt like writing this here and get some things off my chest. thanks to everybody who was there and made it a wonderful year, hope to see you all in the next one. so happy new year to you all !! / nikita